Category: Quotes

The Ichthys Fish and What It Meant to Early Christians

Briana Oser Classics student at the College of the Holy Cross

The fish is a well-known Christian symbol, though its usage has decreased in the present day. We have evidence that it was popular in early Christianity through literature from the Church Fathers and the dozens of Christian fish engravings …

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“Nor She Is Mine”: Thecla’s longing for and independence from the apostle Paul in their Acts 

Jessica Wu

Classics student at Mount Holyoke College


The Apocryphal Acts of Paul and Thecla, a part of the Apocryphal Acts of Paul but also a text sometimes circulated independently, is a popular account of the life of Thecla composed in the second half of …

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How to Identify an Early Christian Burial in Athens, Greece

Tori Rigsby

Post-Baccalaureate Student at the College Year in Athens,

Graduate of the University of North Carolina at Asheville.

It is easy to assume that most of what is understood about the past stems from literary sources and material culture. However, the dead and their form of …

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Portrayal of Gender and Our Perception of Intimacy with Saints

Daniela Paula Bartolome

In Christianity, saints are regarded as beings who serve as intermediaries between God and humanity. They hold a central position between holiness and relatability. A saint must have shown heroic virtue, have performed miracles, are worthy of imitation, and perhaps have suffered martyrdom (United States Conference of Catholic …

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Η θέση της γυναίκας στον δημόσιο και ιδιωτικό βίο του Βυζαντίου σε ένα ταξίδι 1123 ετών. Κάποια τυπικά παραδείγματα

Μαυροπούλου Αγγελική

Ιστορική Ερευνήτρια, Καθηγήτρια Β΄θμιας Εκπ/σης

ΠΕ02-Φιλόλογος & ΠΕ05-Γαλλικής Γλώσσας

Περίληψη: Θα ήταν ελλιπής μια θεώρηση της εξελικτικής πορείας του Βυζαντίου χωρίς παράλληλη εξέταση της θέσης της γυναίκας. Στους 11 αιώνες διάρκειάς του η αντίληψη της γυναίκας ως όντος περιορισμένης …

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Mechanisms of Healing: An Analysis of Spiritual Healing in the Sufi Practice

Kate Stevens Harvard College Joint Concentration in Human Evolutionary Biology and the Comparative Study of Religions

Sufism is commonly regarded as the “spiritual realm” of Islam. This sect of Islam is often characterized by a particular focus on Islamic spirituality, asceticism, and esotericism. The ‘whirling dervishes’ are an example of this …

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From Obscurity to Sole Inhabitant

Alexander Krauzlis College Year in Athens Siena College


The history of Alexandria is one which often is wanting of archeological evidence, so chronicles become the main source of our understanding of Alexandrias past. This article will provide a narrative of the first Christians in Alexandria and in doing so, insight into …

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Intersections of Martyrdom and Gender

Blaike Cheramie

Scripps College Classical Languages and French Studies

Saint Perpetua is a well known figure, popularized for her unapologetic Christianity, famous for her powerful and still feminine display of agency within a male-centric society. Perpetua, a young Christian woman who had not even been baptized at the time …

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Farwell Pan: the Rise of Satan in Christian Imagery

Nicole Tubman

University of Southern California

Art and Art History

If someone were to describe to you a being, a man who is half man, half goat, with horns, hooves, a tail, and is bearded, probably the first thing you think of is an image of the …

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Christianity and “Romanitas” in Late Antique Visigoth Kingdoms

Joshua Anthony

Classics and Theology, University of Notre Dame, 2020

Ennodius’ biography of Saint Epiphanius illustrates very well some of the cultural elements accompanying the political transformation of Western Europe from Roman provinces to Germanic kingdoms, most notably the manner in which the legacy of a distinctly Christian Rome …

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