Job offer: Postdoctoral Researcher in Medieval Manuscript Studies

Radboud University Nijmegen is advertising a position for a Postdoctoral Researcher in Medieval Manuscript Studies (0.8FTE) to be part of the research team of the ERC-funded project Patristic Sermons in the Middle Ages. The dissemination, manipulation and interpretation of Late-Antique sermons in the Medieval Latin West (PASSIM). The Postdoctoral Researcher will study the dynamic between the transmission and popularity of patristic sermons and sermon collections in medieval contexts, mainly the period prior to the 13th century.

Location: Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands 

Duration: 2 years

Starting date: 1 January 2021 (negotiable)

Deadline for the application: 20 August 2020

Interviews: 10 September 2020

Contact: Dr. Shari Boodts (PI)

Full details of the job offer can be found here:


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