Tag: Byzantium
Les saints ermites et moines dans la peinture murale byzantine Svetlana Tomekovic 2011
Économie et société à Byzance (viiie-xiie siècle) Textes et documents Sophie Métivier (dir.) 2007
Monastères, images, pouvoirs et société à Byzance Michel Kaplan (dir.) 2006
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Permanent link to this article: https://www.postaugustum.com/en/open-access-monograph-series-byzantina-sorbonensia-2/
University of Vienna, Department of Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies. Exploratory Workshop, 10 June 2017. “Epistolary Poetry from Late Antiquity to Late Byzantium”.
Programme and more information here:
Epistolary Poetry from Late Antiquity to Late Byzantium
Permanent link to this article: https://www.postaugustum.com/en/workshop-epistolary-poetry-from-late-antiquity-to-late-byzantium-2/